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March News: Mariners, Yearbook, Chipotle Dine Out, Flower Power, and school news


As our Roxhill students enjoy the later sunsets and warmer weather (sometimes, at least!), there are so many ways to join and support our community! Go to a baseball game with other families, help the 5th graders make a yearbook, or support Friends of Roxhill with a purchase of flowers or burritos. And of course, don't miss important updates from Mr. Robert, Nurse Ann, and Mr. Hakeem.


Last Chance: Lost & Found

Lost & Found will be cleared out on Friday March 21, 2025 @ 3:00pm. Please come take a look for lost items.

Mr. Robert's Library News

Last month, we held our in-school Global Reading Challenge competition, and the winning team was a team of 4th graders, Crunch ‘n Munch, from Mr. Martin’s classroom.

Congratulations to Meribel, Nolan, Naomi, Brayden, Gabriel, and Grant who will represent Roxhill on Monday, March 3 at a semi-final round at the Central Library. And GOOD JOB to all of the 4th and 5th graders who read books and participated in our GRC competition!

We have had to postpone the Book Fair that was scheduled for March 6 and 7. It will be rescheduled for a date in April (most likely April 3 & 4).

Yearbook Update: Buy Ads + Call for Pictures

Yearbook Club will start meeting on Wednesdays March 12-April 23 in Ms.Prynne’s room during 5th grade lunch and a bit of borrowed class time,  11:50am -12:45p.m.

Volunteers Needed

The 5th graders, Ms. Binkow and FoRE Volunteers are working on this year's yearbook. Students will be taking photos with donated cameras. We are meeting every Wednesday during 5th grade lunch and need a couple of extra volunteers to help us chaperone the kids while they photograph other students on campus. It would also be great if you can take photos for the yearbook too. You must be an SPS approved volunteer to participate. Sign Up Here


The 5th grade yearbook club is working with art teacher Ms. Binkow and Friends of Roxhill volunteers to produce a beautiful keepsake to commemorate the 2024-2025 school year.  Every student will receive a yearbook at the end of the year. To help fund this project, we are looking for local businesses to buy ads on the last pages of the yearbook.  Spread the word about your business and support a great cause! Email for more details.

Request for Photos

We are collecting baby pictures of 5th graders for the yearbook. Please submit them by March 28. We are also collecting photos for the 2024-2025 yearbook, which will be distributed at the end of June. Do you have photos from chaperoning a field trip or at one of our school events like Family Fun Night or Skate Night? Please email photos to or text 858-531-0751

Roxhill goes to the Mariners on March 30!

Sunday, March 30, 1:10pm

Save the date for a Mariners baseball game against Oakland Athletics. Tickets are  on sale and financial assistance will  be available. Deadline to purchase tickets is March 21st.

Kids can get free swag and some discounts if they sign up for the kids’ club.

Get your Spring Flowers & Support Roxhill!

Spring is almost here! We are partnering again with Flower Power Fundraising to sell flower bulbs, kitchen garden herbs, sprouts, seeds and more to bring some joy to your home garden or window sill this spring and raise money for our school.

Share the link with your friends, neighbors, co-workers and relatives across the country. They have a variety of plants for every climate. 

Friends of Roxhill Elementary receives 50% of the profits from every order.

Orders are shipped directly to the person placing the order starting on April 1 (there is a $6.99 shipping fee). Order deadline is May 15.

Nurse Ann's News

It’s that time of year again.  ALL students’ immunization records must be up to date by 

April 21, 2025, or the student will not be able to attend school.  Up to date means:  

  • Your student has had all of the required immunizations for their age

  • You have a signed Certificate of Exemption on file

  • You have a set appointment to get your child immunized, and you keep that appointment

Immunizations are an important part of a community’s health. Please talk with your child’s health care provider, Ms. Mitzi in our School Based Health Center (206-452-2660), or Nurse Ann (206-252-9577) if you have any questions or concerns.

About Kings & Queens

Our Kings and Queens team is a program to empower our youth, to allow them a safe space to build meaningful relationships with other Roxhill staff and their peers. Our goal for the Kings’ and Queens’ teams is to empower the students to become the best they can be. 

We meet once a week and talk about many different topics like Friendship, and what it means to be a Roxstar. Each month we focus on a topic that is either an idea from their teachers or a topic picked by the students. 

We also want to be able to support the parents of our Kings and Queens by offering resources for things such as food, shelter and clothing.  We build connections with community partners and do weekend events where families can come together. 

Dine Out Fundraiser at Chipotle

Wednesday, April 2 - 4:00 - 8:00 pm

Join us for our next dine out fundraiser at Chipotle Mexican Grill (4730 California Ave SW). 25% of sales will be donated back to our school. Tell your server you are a Roxhill supporter. Please use the code JV3H96B for any online orders to ensure our school gets credit.

Volunteer Opportunities

All volunteer opportunities that take place on school grounds or field trips will require you to fill out a volunteer application through SPS. Apply here or check your status as a returning volunteer. The application process takes about 2 weeks, and sometimes longer.  Please plan ahead if you ever intend to be a field trip chaperone or help at school during the school day.

We are currently looking for volunteers to help with:

  • Childcare during FORE Meetings (2nd Mondays of the month)

  • Yearbook Club - Wednesdays 11:50 am-12:20pm) Chaperone students while they take photographs of scheduled sessions in classrooms and around campus. Sign Up Here

  • Reading Volunteers Sign Up Here

  • Lunchroom Helpers Sign Up Here

Carpool Connections

We receive frequent requests for transportation help and try to coordinate carpools and walking buses by introducing families to each other.

Please fill out the following form if:

  • You need help getting your child to or from school.

  • You would like to volunteer to drive or walk another student to or from school.

  • If you are willing to drive or walk students in the neighborhood without transport, please fill out the form as well.

Important Dates

Don't miss out on our upcoming events!



Friends of Roxhill Elementary

Friends of Roxhill Elementary is a 501c3 non-profit and your school PTO. Please join us!


Phone: (206) 252-9570

7740 34th Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98126

Registered Charity: 81-0968096

© 2021 Friends of Roxhill Elementary |  Terms of Use  |  Privacy Policy

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